During Via’s 35th anniversary year, I am sharing my blog with guest writers – Via board members, employees, riders and community members – who are writing about their experience with Via. We also welcome your contributions. If you are interested in sharing your story for “Via Turns 35,” please contact Mary Cobb at 303.473.2882. We’d love to hear from you!
This week we’re hearing from Via board member Joan Campbell. Joan is a community volunteer.
Lenna Kottke, Executive Director
Via -Touching Lives for 35 Years!
Service, compassion and a dedicated sense of community are terms that describe Via Mobility Services, a local nonprofit provider of transportation options for the elderly and citizens with limited mobility in Boulder County.
The staff of Via are proud of their organization and the diverse ways it meets the paratransit needs of our communities. A passion for Via’s mission and a genuine sense of caring are fully evident in daily operations at all levels of this busy organization.
In what we call a “ride along,” I joined a Via driver on one of his weekly routes to transport a group of elderly adults and residents with disabilities to and from a shopping center to replenish grocery and household items. The Via driver respectfully helped the riders in and out of the vehicle according to each individual’s needs.
Besides the exceptionally kind and efficient service, our riders had fun and shared their experiences together. They experienced a sense of independence and a connection with the community at large. Riders continually tell Via that the trips refresh and strengthen their self-esteem, purpose and joy in living.
For 35 years, Via has provided citizens with a safe and reliable way to access medical appointments, shopping, and the fulfillment of many social needs. These life-sustaining activities enable our residents to live independently, while their presence enriches our communities.
As Via Mobility Services celebrates its 35-year milestone, this nonprofit organization will continue to creatively plan for its next 35 years of service and beyond. Congratulations and thank you to Via and your dedicated staff. Thank you, also, to the generous donors of our communities for your gifts, which enable Via Mobility Services to uniquely serve our citizens.
Joan Campbell