Thank you to everyone who supported Via’s 2017 Colorado Gives Day Initiative – we surpassed our $25,000 goal!
Special thanks to 215 donors, we exceeded last year’s total raising $28,550 for mobility for life! We would also like to thank everyone who spread the word by sharing and liking our posts. We appreciate YOU!
If you have not yet supported Via and would like to make a gift securely through our website, you may do so by clicking the button below.
Today is Colorado Gives Day | Donate Now!
24 Hours to Give Where You Live

This Colorado Gives Day, choose Via and help us raise $25,000 to support Mobility For Life! Visit to donate now!
- A gift of just $16 will help ensure one rider arrives at a senior center for a meal. One round trip and often the highlight of a riders day!
- A gift of $96 will ensure a Via rider makes it to critical dialysis appointments (6 trips week) for 2 full weeks.
- A gift of $300 ensures one Via rider will get to a senior center for a hot meal once a week for 19 weeks.
- A gift of $1,000 provides 125 trips for seniors and those with disabilities to get to important health and therapy appointments.
Donors may designate their donation to go into the Lenna Kottke Rider Support Fund by noting this in the special instructions/comments section when making their gift using the link above. After making a gift you will receive a special video thank you from one of Via’s riders.
Be social, share that you gave!
Suggested Facebook Post/Image:
- Join me in supporting @Via (Via Mobility Services) on Colorado Gives Day! Visit #MobilityforLife # FuelOurMission #COGivesDay
- Donate now at #MobilityforLife #FuelOurMission #COGivesDay

Your kind and generous support will enable more than 3,000 of our most vulnerable community members to remain independent by being able to use Via’s mission services: paratransit transportation, travel trainingand mobility options. Thank you.
Colorado Gives Day – Tuesday, December 5
Where will your gift take them?
Choose Via starting November 1 and help raise $25,000 to support Mobility for Life!

Giving starts on November 1, 2017! Select the “CO Gives Day” button under Donation Type and your donation will be applied on Colorado Gives Day, December 5. Via will be eligible to participate in the $1 million incentive fund making your gift go further!
Donors may designate their donation to go into the Lenna Kottke Rider Support Fund by noting this in the special instructions/comments section when making their gift using the link above. After making a gift you will receive a special video thank you from one of Via’s riders.
Why is Mobility so Critical? View our 2017 donor impact presentation, below, to learn why and more about where your gift will take our riders.
- A gift of just $16 will help ensure one rider arrives at a senior center for a meal. One round trip and often the highlight of a riders day!
- A gift of $96 will ensure a Via rider makes it to critical dialysis appointments (6 trips week) for 2 full weeks.
- A gift of $300 ensures one Via rider will get to a senior center for a hot meal once a week for 19 weeks.
- A gift of $1,000 provides 125 trips for seniors and those with disabilities to get to important health and therapy appointments.
Add Colorado Gives day to your calendar.
Add to Outlook | Add to Google Calendar | Add to iCalendar
Be social, share that you gave!
Suggested Facebook Post/Image:
- Join me in supporting @Via (Via Mobility Services) on Colorado Gives Day
- Visit #MobilityforLife #GiveARide #COGivesDay
- I gave early! Join me in supporting @Via (Via Mobility Services) on Colorado Gives Day
- Donate now at #MobilityforLife #FuelOurMIssion #COGivesDay
Your kind and generous support will enable more than 3,000 of our most vulnerable community members to remain independent by being able to use Via’s mission services: paratransit transportation, travel training and mobility options. Thank you.