Spring is coming! Via will be working again this year with 63rd Street Farm to subsidize CSA shares for eligible employees. Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) is a way for consumers to buy local, seasonal produce directly from a farmer in their community. It is basically a farm share. A farmer offers a certain number of “shares” to the public. Members pay up front for the whole season and the farmers do their best to provide an abundant box of produce each week.
The 63rd Street farm delivers to Via weekly on Thursday for 23 weeks from June through November; after the first 20 distributions, they switch to a bi-weekly schedule. Via typically contributes up to 20% of the cost of a share for each employee using the benefit. Via was one of the first employers locally to provide CSA as part of the employee benefits package.
Find out more about how your company may utilize CSA shares as an employee benefit.
Jump Start Employee Health Nutrition Buy into a CSA
Via Mobility in Boulder makes fresh produce a job perk
CSA program touted as a model for other employers